.NET Development Trainee (Tech Orda voucher)

Дата размещения вакансии: 01.07.2024
Работодатель: Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО
Уровень зарплаты:
з/п не указана
Требуемый опыт работы:
не требуется

Study alongside the best EPAM practitioners with a 600 000 tenge voucher from the Tech Orda program, fully covering the training cost.


To get into the program, you need to undergo a preliminary competitive selection process.

.NET is a versatile platform that can power almost any digital solution. It is commonly used among developers to build web and mobile apps, desktop software and games. .NET is also known for its efficiency, scalability and ease of use, making it a very popular choice.

Learning .NET is an excellent way to get started in the technology industry. It is developed and maintained by Microsoft, so you can also expect top-notch support from the experts and large community of users.

Dive into .NET theory and practice tasks to master .NET coding and building web-based projects and applications.

In eight months you will:

  • Be able to develop, test, and debug applications using Visual Studio proficiently
  • Master your understanding of OOP principles, data aggregation, and error handling
  • Learn how to work with GitLab for source code management and version control
  • Be equipped with skills for string manipulation, asynchronous programming, and implementing events and delegates
  • Understand multithreading programming and the .NET framework
  • Develop and deploy web applications using ASP.NET Core proficiently
  • Understand the applications of AI in .NET development, particularly using AI tools like ChatGPT and Copilot
  • Be well-prepared to apply all the knowledge and skills obtained in the program to capstone projects and real-world scenarios

What is required for training:

  • Have an Intermediate (B1 or higher) English proficiency
  • Meet the requirements of Tech Orda