Go Developer

Дата размещения вакансии: 01.07.2024
Работодатель: Andersen
Уровень зарплаты:
з/п не указана
Требуемый опыт работы:
От 3 до 6 лет

The IT company Andersen invites an experienced Go Developer to work on a large-scale project for one of our Kazakhstan customers.

The customer is the national telecommunications provider of Kazakhstan, offering a wide range of digital services, including e-commerce, mobile communication, and data transmission. The company serves individual customers as well as business clients of various sizes, including government institutions.

The project is to build HR and LMC platforms from scratch, migrating from existing legacy.

Technology stack on the project: Go, Gin, Echo, Revel, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Camunda, BPMN, Docker, Kubernetes, Kafka, RabbitMQ, CI/CD, AWS, GCP, Azure, Git.


— Interacting with product team and stakeholders to gather and analyze requirements for HR + LMC platforms.

— Developing the architecture of the server side of the application.

— Creating and discussing BPMN diagrams to automate business processes.

— Developing and implementing the main functional modules of the backend application on Go (Camunda, BPMN).

— Designing and developing APIs for interaction with the frontend part and external services.

— Integrating with databases, including schema design, query writing and optimization.

— integrating with Camunda and BPMN.

— Providing security of the web-application.

— Optimizing the performance of the server side of the application to improve response time and scalability.

— Testing and quality assurance.

— Configuring and automating CI/CD.

— Creating and maintaining technical documentation on developed components and application architecture.

— Maintaining and updating code, refactoring existing code.


— Experience as a Go Developer for 3+ years.

— Experience with Camunda and BPMN for business process management.

— Experience designing and building applications from scratch, including planning, design and implementation.

— Experience with Go frameworks such as Gin, Echo, Revel.

— Experience with databases (SQL and NoSQL) and ORMs (e.g., GORM).

— Experience with RESTful APIs and GraphQL.

— Understanding and experience with message queues (Kafka, RabbitMQ).

— Knowledge of testing tools (e.g. Go testing framework).

— Level of English — from Intermediate and above.


— Experience with cloud platforms (AWS, GCP, Azure).

— Experience setting up CI/CD processes (e.g. Jenkins, GitLab CI, GitHub Actions).

— Knowledge of DevOps fundamentals and deployment automation.

Reasons why this job would be interesting to you:

— Experience in teamwork with leaders in FinTech, Healthcare, Retail, Telecom, and others. Andersen cooperates with such businesses as Samsung, Siemens, Johnson & Johnson, BNP Paribas, Ryanair, Mercedes, TUI, Verivox, Allianz, T-Systems, etc.;

— The opportunity to change the project and/or develop expertise in an interesting business domain;

— Job conditions — you can work both fully remotely and from the office or can choose a hybrid variant;

— Guarantee of professional, financial, and career growth! The company has introduced systems of mentoring and adaptation for each new employee;

— The opportunity to earn additional up to 1,700 EUR per month by participating in the company's activities;

— Access to the corporate training portal, where the entire knowledge base of the company is collected and which is constantly updated;

— Bright corporate life (parties / pizza days / PlayStation / fruits / coffee / snacks / movies);

— Certification compensation (AWS, PMP, etc);

— Referral program;

— English courses;

— Private health insurance and compensation for sports activities.

Join us!
