
Дата размещения вакансии: 04.07.2024
Работодатель: Стамгазстрой
Уровень зарплаты:
з/п не указана
Требуемый опыт работы:
От 1 года до 3 лет
  • Perform the internal audit activity as per approved annual audit plan and under the supervision of Internal Corporate Audit Section Head.
  • Analyse economical and efficient use of company resources and their safeguarding.
  • Analyse reliability and integrity of financial and operational information of the company.
  • Evaluate the internal control framework and efficiency and effectiveness of activities of all company departments.
  • Evaluate all company departments on compliance with internal and external regulating documents.
  • Prepare under the supervision of Internal Corporate Audit Section Head recommendations for improvement of internal control framework and risk management systems, subsequently ensuring effective implementation of the recommendations.
  • Assist to Internal Corporate Audit Section Head in preparation of audit reports.
  • Provide advice and support in matters relating to the internal audit control activities to all company Departments.
  • Provide input to Internal Corporate Audit procedures development and review.
  • Prepare, develop and maintain effective working papers and documentation on the internal audits conducted.
  • Ensure safekeeping of the documentation related to internal audits performed, both electronic and hard copies.
  • Ensure all relevant audit findings and recommended actions are recorded in Aspen Enterprise Insights (SABISU) database and in other databases, and timely reflect follow up activities and audit findings closure.
  • Higher education (University degree or higher) in the Information Technology/ IT systems/ IT Networking/ Business Applications IT and Engineering, Oil and Gas Technology specialties
  • Not less than 2 years of work experience as Auditor.

  • Fluent Kazakh, Russian and English languages

  • Necessary knowledge of:
    • International Standards of Internal Audit and principles of International Accounting Standards and Code of Ethics.
    • Audit methodologies and testing procedures.
    • Risk assessment, monitoring and data analyses.
    • Company organisation and company long-term and annual development plans.
    • Internal Audit Management Systems, Audit Manual, Audit Charter and other Procedures and Guidelines related to the audit activity.
    • Fundamental principles of economy, finance and management.
    • Basis of RoK Labour Law.
    • Safety rules and regulations.


  • Work schedule — 5/2
  • Location — WKO, Uralsk-Office