Software engineer in test (RnD-centre)

Дата размещения вакансии: 21.10.2024
Работодатель: Osnova -IT
Уровень зарплаты:
от 250000 RUR
Требуемый опыт работы:
Более 6 лет

Quality Assurance team in Virtual Machines and Interpreters world. Digging into VMs internals and covering all the development phases.

Dealing with Garbage Collectors, statically and dynamically typed languages, procedural and functional programming. Our products under test run on different platforms including x86 hosts, Android devices.

We run distributed tests on devices, execute massive test suites, writing frameworks to automate these processes, represent and analyze results of functional and performance testing. We use infrastructures of Android, Java and JavaScript platforms.

We do test generation and fuzzing. We appreciate ideas on using AI and ML for improving coverage, reducing test counts and result analysis.


Development tasks:
• Executing existing TypeScript/JavaScript based test suites for JS Runtime
• Writing new tests, test suites on TypeScript/JavaScript
• Development of automation frameworks for testing different parts of new JS Runtime
• Regression test suite and framework development
• Performance test suite development
• Writing plugins and tools for results representation
• Debugging and profiling tools testing

Maintenance Tasks:
• Test failure analysis
• Test infrastructure improvements: Jenkins Pipelines, Allure TestOps, Grafana

Mandatory Skills Description:

  • TypeScript/JavaScript knowledge
  • Python knowledge
  • C++ test coverage collecting experience
  • Test framework development
  • Test infrastructure improvements
  • Test writing

Working conditions:

  • Official employment, accredited company;
  • Salary from 250 000 nett (It is being discussed);
  • Work schedule - 5/2, (flexible start), gibrid (1-3 day in office);
  • Modern office with lounge-zone;
  • Benefits (Medical insurance, study-centre and ect.)
  • Interesting tasks, a strong team