Java developer (Java Warrior)

Дата размещения вакансии: 30.09.2024
Работодатель: Multiverse Tech Lab
Уровень зарплаты:
от 400000 до 600000 RUR
Требуемый опыт работы:
От 3 до 6 лет

This is not a regular job post. It's an invite to go to intellectual war on one of the most important missions in the history of the world.

Apply only if you are insanely smart, have insane pain tolerance, and ready to work day and night to change the world in an impossibly huge way.

Founding team position in a small Spartan army of us three. Looking for a no-nonsense, hyper-intelligent java developer with a strong understanding of dev ops.

No company has ever taken a quantum physics approach to social networks until now. We are applying the Everett’s Multiverse theory to revolutionize social networks once-and-for-all.

Three pillars of our vision: software, VR glasses, and the brain chip.

We start off in software: a live photo sharing app!

This will be the adventure of your lifetime. It will be super hard, but we guarantee you something no other place will: that you will make more of yourself than you ever imagined possible. We are going to build tools of hidden realities and shine the light so bright like no company has ever done in the history of the world.

You will build cool shit. You will do it as you want. Nothing will stand in your way except to follow the truth, to do your absolute best to build the best products that are out there.

Technical Requirements

  • Deep undestanding of Java and its core fundamentals (Quarkus, Hibernate, RESTful services, etc.)
  • Deep understanding of database and bussiness logic layer
  • Containerization using Docker
  • Experience with Kubernetes for container orchestration
  • Deploying applications to AWS using Docker
  • Building BE application with microservices architecture
  • Understand and have experience with all AWS services (EC2, ECS, EKS, Lambda, RDS, S3, CloudFormation, VPC, IAM,…)
  • Implementing Caching mechanism like Redis or similar and integrating into ElastiCache
  • Extremely fast resolution of small tasks (change dto fields name, add pagination to request, change response data, add parameters to request and similar smaller tasks that don’t require more than few hours time…)
  • Implementing monitoring, logging, and alerting tools ML basic understanding

General Requirements

  • Extremely high pain tolerance
  • Extreme, warrior sense of owernship for your actions
  • Super fast execution, super fast communication
  • Discomformist, independent-minded
  • Extremely high incisiveness (ability to tell apart important vs not)
  • Extremely young (not necessarily in age, but spirit)

Process: paid test task. No preeliminary interview rounds. If you solve the task well 10/10, you get a small incentive for putting in the work $1,000 regardless of whether you join us at the end.

You meet the whole team within 24 hours of solving the task. If we like each other, the job is yours on the spot.


Implement messaging system (chat) between users via WebSockets. Frameworks you use are up to you. Users need to be able to send images and videos over the network (everything else is bonus). Needs to be implemented as independent service to be used in existing microservice architecture. The final product will be evaluated based on performance and speed. Provide solution as a GitHub repo.

How to Apply

In 10 sentences most, tell us who you are and why are you the right person for the job. At the end of the message, confirm you are on the task. The deadline for the task will be three days from when you confirm.