Mystery Shopper Moscow

Дата размещения вакансии: 04.03.2025
Работодатель: Made to Sell
Уровень зарплаты:
з/п не указана
Требуемый опыт работы:
не требуется

Made to Sell, a consulting company specialising in the development of Strategies & Sales to improve the sell-out performance of the sales network, is looking for a

Mystery Shopper

The mystery shopper will conduct an analysis intervention in his/her area of residence, monitor fashion retail to verify correct sales practices, process the results and prepare the final report.

Procedures for carrying out the intervention

- Go to the shop anonymously and check compliance with the sales rules;

- Compile the online report.


We are looking for professionals with experience, even minimal, in the Sales & Marketing area and with a solid knowledge of sales issues.

We are looking for independent, proactive and determined people with the strength and ability to work for objectives.