Marketing Assistant

Дата размещения вакансии: 29.06.2024
Работодатель: Auslogics Labs Pty Ltd
Уровень зарплаты:
з/п не указана
Требуемый опыт работы:
От 1 года до 3 лет

Permanent remote position for a Marketing Assistant

Key requirements:
— Excellent written English skills
— Some knowledge and understanding of HTML and CSS basics
— University diploma or equivalent

— Be prepared to learn the work specifics quickly
— Assist Head of Marketing in managing projects on English-speaking markets
— Analyze marketing environment and competition
— May have to work with copywriters in preparing content in English and work with the project PC campaigns

What we offer:
— Work remotely from anywhere in the world
— Good pay
— Flexible schedule
— Friendly team
— Great opportunities for professional growth

When sending in your resume, be sure to include a cover letter with your name and email address. In your cover letter, please tell us about yourself in at least 7 sentences («Hello!» and «Goodbye!» don’t count). What do you like to do? Why do you think this job is right for you? What are you especially good at?

IMPORTANT NOTE: We test English in real time when hiring. Please DO NOT use AI to write your cover letter. Show your real English level instead to avoid wasting your time and ours. You can also include a portfolio, or just a couple of samples, of your best articles that you wrote without using AI.