DevExtreme Программист

Дата размещения вакансии: 12.03.2025
Работодатель: Centaursoftware
Уровень зарплаты:
з/п не указана
улица Петровка 15
Требуемый опыт работы:
От 1 года до 3 лет

We are looking for a person for a front-end (DevExtreme, jQuery, JS, HTML) with skills 80/20 (front/back) of
- decomposition
- querying
- data consistency
- messaging
- reliability
- nice UX as result​​​​​​​

Our tasks

- design and development of API for interaction between services
- redesign monolith to services and development its components
- data management at different application levels
- support and testing of created services

Our stack
ECMAScript 2016+,
Devexpress/Devextreme 24.2

.net framework 4.8, .net 8
C# 12
MVC, WebAPI, minimal API
ADO, EF 6, Ef Core
PL/pgSQL, Watcom SQL (Sybase SQL Anywhere)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Required abilities, skills and abilities:
Application design, redesign and development
- participation in architecture development, pro and cons argumentations for options, c4 model
- ability to write working, readable and testable code
- ability to read someone else's code
- zero-allocation code
- performance

Principles following
- SOLID, DRY, KISS when writing new code
- analysis and refactoring of existing monolithic code into loosely coupled components and modules, following SOLID